Ways to Fight the Carbon Footprint of Food


The rapid increase in carbon emissions is affecting the world and causing a rise in global temperatures as the world becomes under a threat of a climate crisis. With various anthropogenic activities and factors harming the environment, one of the leading causes is the carbon footprint of food. Excessive consumption and waste of food add to your carbon footprint, which impacts the earth negatively.

We need to take necessary actions and make positive changes in our nutrition and lifestyle to help save the planet by producing less carbon. Some researchers suggest making specific food changes and choosing a sustainable diet could cut 70% of greenhouse gas emissions and 50% of water use. Small actions can lead to practical solutions. If you want to make lifestyle changes for a better future, here are a few tips on reducing the carbon footprint of food.

Reduce Food Waste

One of the significant reasons for greenhouse gas emissions is food waste. These gases are produced when wasted food ends up in landfills and decomposes to emit methane.

Methane is a toxic gas with 34 times more impact on global warming than carbon dioxide. You can reduce your food waste by planning and preparing ahead, buying what is needed, and saving or storing leftovers to be used as ingredients for other meals. By minimizing the waste of food, you can reduce the carbon footprint of food.


Wasted food can come in handy to reduce food’s carbon footprint and help the environment. Food scraps from your kitchen can quickly become helpful to make compost and prevent it from reaching landfills. You can collect and save the leftovers, mix them with water and recyclable materials, and prepare compost at home. It will reduce waste and will improve the soil quality of your garden.

Cut Red Meat

Another excellent way to reduce the carbon footprint of food is by consuming less red meat. Beef, veal, pork, and other forms of red meat are the highest producers of greenhouse gas emissions. While going completely meat-free can be difficult; you can limit the use of meat in your dishes by preparing one meat meal per day.

Cut Dairy Products

Reducing dairy products from your diet is also a way to reduce the carbon footprint of food. Dairy is a massive contributor to climate change. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and nitric oxide are emitted by dairy cattle and manure.

You can cut the use of cheese in your diet as it requires heaps of milk to produce it. Less intake of cheese and other dairy products can help in reducing the carbon footprint.

Eat Plant-Based Foods

Incorporate plant-based foods in your diet and replace them with meat. Proteins originated from plants have the lowest emission of greenhouse gases.

Similarly, food rich in fibers are also helpful in reducing the carbon footprint of food. Replacing meat and dairy with vegetables, seeds, nuts, soy milk, and legumes in your nutrition plan is a wise way to cut the emission of greenhouse gases.

Food is an essential requirement for the survival of life. However, its misuse and waste have caused a significant impact on the planet.

Carbon emissions are rapidly surging up due to our negligence; it is time we focus on working on carbon sinks and taking immediate action. Follow the tips mentioned above if you want to make some dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce the carbon footprint of food.