Simple Ways To Lower Carbon Emissions In Your Home

The world's climate is at a tipping point. The most prominent contributors to climate change are giant corporations. Besides holding them accountable, we also need to play our part. If we all don't change our ways and try to reduce our personal carbon footprint now,...

The 5 Best Plastic-Free Water Bottles

Plastic is still a massive issue for our environment. While technological advancements have made recycling much better, single-use plastics are still causing sizeable harm to our environment. A popular option for reducing this single-use plastic waste is to purchase...

These Simple Changes in Your Life Will Help the Environment

As the global temperature rises resulting in wildfires and melting glaciers every country worldwide experiences some effects of climate change. As this prevalent issue grows the human population is facing the consequences of wasteful actions. It will not stop if we...

Green Innovations

Use Upcycling For Organization

Use Upcycling For Organization

Keeping your space organized might seem like a project you have to pay for, but utilizing upcycling can help you organize your home without waste. Instead of throwing away or recycling, try upcycling. You might think to toss containers or vessels once you’re done...

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About Mainstreet Geo

A news source on green living for those inhabiting concrete jungles.

We are a platform for sharing news about the natural world, be it the local park just outside the city limits or the environmental disaster half way around the world. Mainstreet Geo seeks to share important information about the area just outside the city limits with those that live in and around the city center. As human activity halfway around the globe can have an impact on that isn’t always immediately visible – we hope to be a medium for informing those that care.

Eco Living

The 5 Best Plastic-Free Water Bottles

The 5 Best Plastic-Free Water Bottles

Plastic is still a massive issue for our environment. While technological advancements have made recycling much better, single-use plastics are still causing sizeable harm to our environment. A popular option for reducing this single-use plastic waste is to purchase...

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Ways to Fight the Carbon Footprint of Food

Ways to Fight the Carbon Footprint of Food

The rapid increase in carbon emissions is affecting the world and causing a rise in global temperatures as the world becomes under a threat of a climate crisis. With various anthropogenic activities and factors harming the environment, one of the leading causes is the...

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The Most Common Myths About Global Warming

The Most Common Myths About Global Warming

Global warming skeptics are getting more exposure than ever as they contradict scientific theories and evidence of global warming. Let’s learn about some of the most shocking myths about global warming and debunk them. “The Earth’s Climate Has Always Been Changing” In...

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