Learning About Eco-Anxiety And How To Cope With It

Eco Living

The effects climate change is causing are obvious and hard to miss. We are past the point of writing off these signs and effects as minor cycles in our global climate. Our actions are altering our climate, environment, and planet.

All of this leaves us feeling helpless and anxious. If you are one of those who feel anxious and nervous, just know that you are alone. Climate change distress, or eco-anxiety as it is sometimes known as is very real. Climate change distress refers to the fear and anxiety we feel about the future of our world and all the life in it.

The thought of our actions changing and permanently altering our earth’s temperature, weather, and nature is fearful, and this anxiety we feel is perfectly reasonable. While normal and understandable, this eco-anxiety can turn into worse mental health issues, which is why we should know how to cope with and handle this distress. Before learning how to cope with climate change distress, we must know the symptoms of eco-anxiety;

Symptoms Of Climate Change Distress Include:

  • Anger towards people who don’t acknowledge climate change.
  • Frustration towards the older generation for not worrying about and working towards a better environment.
  • The feelings of existential dread.
  • Sadness and grief over the depletion of wildlife and natural elements.
  • Depression, panic, and anxiety as a whole.

Now that we know the nature of climate change distress, let’s look at a few ways you could cope with this eco-anxiety. We explore some methods of how to cope with climate change distress and what can be done to become more eco-friendly.

Don’t Deny – Acknowledge

The thought of our climate completely changing and that too for the worse is terrifying. It is understandable to want to ignore and avoid thinking about this issue entirely, but not recognizing the problem does not help.

Instead of denying this reality, you need to allow yourself to recognize and acknowledge these feelings. Without recognition, you can’t work towards a solution.

Get Educated

Even though it might feel like there is no hope, there is still time to curtail and prevent the effects of climate change. The best way to deal with the stress of climate change is by learning as much about it as you can. Learn what is at stake and what you can do about it. Instead of focusing on the bad, educate yourself about how people around the world are working towards fixing this issue. Understanding both sides is key to making a positive difference.

Take Action

Seeing so much go wrong around you and doing nothing about it worsens our anxiety. Taking action and doing something, even a little bit, can help you cope with this anxiety significantly.

After educating yourself, you will learn about so much you could do to make a change and help. Small things like reusing, recycling, turning off what you aren’t using, and avoiding plastics whenever possible all add up to reducing your effect on climate change and also make you feel better.

Talk To Someone

If your feeling of anxiety is negatively impacting your life, you need to talk to someone, and this doesn’t just mean a therapist. If a therapist is what you think will help, then, of course, climate-aware therapy can be very helpful.

For those who don’t prefer or can’t afford therapists, just talking to someone close to you can help immensely. Talking things out and breaking down what is getting you stressed can help you calm down. Reach out to your friends and family. You never know; someone close to you might be feeling the same climate change distress as you.